Old Washington is one of a whole bunch of small towns along the eastern edge of Ohio Rt.40 or The National Highway. It is hard to travel a mile w/o coming across something interesting like this. There was a small battle here that is well documented by several markers.
The reason there are a lot more smaall towns along eastern Ohio 40 as opposed to the western section is that the eastern section is very hilly and after travelers struggled up a hill they rested at the bottom before tackling the next hill. So small towns sprung up at the bottom of these hills when vendors showed up with refreshments and other services for travelers.

The grave of the 3 Confederate soldiers killed during Morgan's raid.

One of those interesting signs you notice when traveling at 12 miles per hour. I wonder how many wild horses there are in this part of the world that need breaking.

This sign was on a very back road and it pointed down a gravel lane that looked like it led into a jungle. Anyway when I saw it I immediately stopped and pulled out my trusty purple marker and adjusted the first letter in the first word which changed the meaning a little. Actually it may have increased traffic down that lane at least until the first rain washed off my modification. I felt a little guilty as I rode away but quickly got over it.
The above pics and posts are from stuff I saw/did the last day I rode .
On the other hand today was another very good day. I started out on a planned 10 mile ride (5 miles into the brisk south wind and back) but I felt so good I ended up riding 15 miles into the wind and finished with over 30 miles for the trip. I am waiting on a replacement computer/odometer so I am guessing a bit on this distance. The route took me to Arcanum Ohio and back. On the way I had a super visit with Nancy and Bill Miller, 2 very good friends who I had not seen for several months. That was a treat and on top of that Nancy decided to not charge me for the ice water, what a gal.
I forgot my camera today and missed some good pics. Saw a couple of beautiful flower grdens and some clever halloween displays. I also would have tried to take Nancy/Bill pic but nancy is very camera shy.
I won't forget camera again.