Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Darke County Ohio

As I get my legs back doing training rides all around the area I keep coming across neat stuff that I certainly would have stopped to check out and document during the ride from Oregon to here.
I an not real sure what this is but I have heard it is a place to hold lunch/dinner meetings and other get togethers.

There is about 100 yards of this wooden fence belonging to a horse farm that all looks about the same. Over the years there apparently have been some hungry hungry horses working over this fence

As I rode by this fellow he turned 180 degrees on top of that sewer tile, and he looked very comfortable doing it.

This is a sign for a church near Versailles that only has one service a year. I was fortunate enough to be invited by fellow recumbent biker Dick Shoemaker. It was a nice place to be on a Sunday afternoon. I regret I did not get a picture of that Church, it has a long history.


Well , I have finished my self imposed rehab period and rode 500 miles around the area in preperation for finishing the ride. I am feeling pretty good and looking forward to giving it another shot.
The plan is to leave Thursday morning with brother in law Ned Hemmelgarn who will serving as a sag wagon. I was not planning on having a sag wagon actually had not even thought of it. I mean after having Miss Sassy sag for me during the Ragbrai ride I figured that would be it, but Ned was/is available so here we go. I would be remiss if I did not mention that many family and friends are a great deal more enthusiastic about me finishing the ride with Ned being part of it.

The plan is to drive thru Ohio on Route 40 retracing my bike ride, including the crash site. I am looking forward to checking it out.
We will continue on to Coroapolis Pa. which is neat Pittsburgh and the start the Allegheny Trail, so I will not be riding on any roadways used by motor vehicles. It will be odd not pulling my trailer since Ned will carry all the stuff in the van.
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  1. Great news! Best of luck to you!

  2. Say it ain't so!! Tony and Ned on a trip together! That's a librarian's worse nightmare! I'll tell the ladies to get the industrial cleaner and rubber gloves out.
    Have a safe trip, we'll be tracking you.

  3. Betty,
    This is so cold and I am kinda offended--my golly, a long time regular patron of the Worch Memorial Library returns a plastic bag of steamy books on tape that are all stuck together( because an unnamed brother in law (Ned) spilled a pepsi in the bag and never told me about it)I get labeled as a "librarian's worst nightmare".

    Although it will probably not be needed you probably should get the rubber gloves and industrial cleaner ready just in case. Ned does not drink Pepsi anymore , he is now drinking V-8 juice and is still pretty sloppy.
