Monday, June 29, 2009

Havre to Malta 3

I rode up on this roadside fire when it was about 5 feet square, so it had just started. As I watched it the fire spread in 3 directions very quickly, about as fast as I could walk, even though there was no wind to speak of, it was moving. Although there seemed to be a lot of green plants there was an underlayer of dried plants that must be like tinder. I rode on and looked back about 2 miles down the road and there was a huge plume of smoke rising up. I wonder if this was a big deal right now. There were several vehicles who passed my including a couple of state highway patrol cars and a sherriff's truck, so I figure they could check it out.
I can only wonder what a situation like this would be like later this summer when all is dry and there is a strong wind blowing. There are not many natural barriers to stop a fire like this from going a long way..

Saw a bunch more of the white crosses today on Route 2. This grouping was just outside the little town of Dotson.

This second grouping was about 15 miles away on route 2 and in between there were probably 10 more singles. This is a straight stretch of road with shallow side ditches. I have to wonder if at least some of these were a result of Montana not having a speed limit for many years. It was whatever was "reasonable and prudent". Now it is 70 mph on a 2 lane road much like route 118 in Darke/Mercer County in Ohio.

These 4 horses got all excited when they saw the bike. This has happened before , several times some horses get all agitated and start running like crazy. Maybe someday they will make me king of the horse world.
As I write this the mosquito bites are just starting to itch . It feels like a bunch. I remember reading Lewis and Clark reporting about how bad they were and I do not envy them having to deal with mosquitoes w/o all the protection we have today , let alone a motel room at night. Although mosquito netting is referred to several times, but so is getting caught out in the open and having to spend nights w/o it. I wonder how the Indians handles mosquitoes, what did they use to keep them away?
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